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Flat World Economics
First, let me say that I really enjoy my subscription to Web Pro New; and, in particular your articles. I delete a lot of 'stuff' in my inbox, but I really look forward to your 'stuff.'I'm really interested in finding whether there is any direct correlation between organic search and PPC. While my empirical evidence is a bit weak, at least I'll still continue to pursue it. My affiliate site accounts were recently banned by Google. I may make a hat saying that! lol It is a kind of privalege in a way... if you are the eternal optimist I tend to be.I believe they were justified in banning me. A lot of my first time attempts were really, really poor and I believe their "look-back" on my history really did it. That's fine! I wasn't even doing PPC with them at the time of my ban (within the past two weeks).I was concentrating on building content to my site and SEO. I was using Alexa as my measurement tool. I was consistently bringing down my number (from the high 700K to almost below 400K) today. I have the tools and methods in place to continue this trend. Obviously, I'm doing this to bring organic traffic to my site.The Google cops stress value, original content, unique content, positive experience... and all that. The only way you get it is to build upon your focus, keep it consistent, and build some more. I'm at the point that they are now sending me traffic. Not a lot, but it's free! Well at least free in respect to the work I've done.I would think that they would re-evaluate my site, but that's not likely and I'm not going through that pain. Still, I have to wonder what my quality scores would be with them now if I just started to do PPC. The advice I would provide anyone is this. Do not invest in PPC with Google until you have plenty of original content. Just my opinion... 20-30 pages and make sure they are properly SEO'd.I only use WordPress now. They rock! Their plugins are simply fantastic and make it much easier to SEO your site. Do not let me inadvertently mislead you. I'm not saying this is easy and you can make a ton of bad mistakes. You have learn, learn, learn some more and get advice from people you trust.But, I'm of the belief that if you build enough original content on your site and properly SEO it, you place yourself in a great position to succeed. Wait until you start seeing some free or organic traffic on your site. (WordPress has plugins that will enable you to do this). Once you hit this level, then begin PPC. My bet is that you will be more than happy with your results. My money is on a correlation between organinc search and PPC with Google.But, this is just my opinion.When we make any kind of significant change in our lives, the first 30 days are critical. Studies show it takes this long to shed an old habit, or establish a new one.I mention this now to encourage you to press on with this study. Let the "habit" of studying God's word, His character and His ways become well rooted. In the remaining three weeks we'll consider several more topics that are essential to forming a firm spiritual foundation and walking out the new life in Christ. These 30 days are the first installment in your adventure of a lifetime.The reality is that you, as a new believer, can be pulled off course in a number of ways. Let's look at two major challenges and how you might respond.The pull of family and friends who don't understand. In coming to Christ you've made a radical choice, the implications of which are just hitting you. Regardless of how much or how little you've said to others, they are bound to notice early indicators of your changed life. Some will be interested to know more -- an opportunity to share your faith. Others will be antagonistic. They may mock you or whisper behind your back. It's important to realize it's not you, but Christ in you, that has them agitated. There is power in Christ, and that power draws a reaction from others.The best course is not to try to explain yourself or be defensive. Instead let Christ, Who now lives in you, love them through you. In time they may change, or possibly go their own way. But whatever you do, don't let others pull you back into your old ways.A sense of shame you feel about things that aren't right in your life. Maybe you're in an illicit or unhealthy relationship, or abusing your body with harmful drugs. You may have long-standing issues with excessive use of alcohol or any number of other habits that aren't easily shaken. You may be saying, "I can't make it in the new life," or, "I'm not good enough," or, "There's no way I can change who I am." Please -- don't give in to these thoughts. If you stay the course, the day will come when, with the Lord's help, you will be able to break free from the habits that pull you down. Take your concerns to Jesus. Talk with Him -- friend to friend. After all, He knows all about you, and He took you to Himself just as you were. He loves you just as you are. Change is working from the inside out.Press through for the next several weeks. I'm confident you will start seeing some amazing victories, both in yourself and even in the people and circumstances around you.Key ScriptureHe who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).Key ThoughtI will hold closely to the Lord today, and not worry about tomorrow.Questions or comments about this study? Click "reply" if you received this by email and let us know your thoughts. Statistics indicate that over one billion people visit the Internet each day. Of these, at least a million are searching for answers to the deeper questions of life: Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is God like? A phrase that is frequently used by those exploring such deeper issues is "the meaning of life." Gratefully, the Bible helps us understand that life's meaning is rooted in a unique friendship. Billy Graham says, "It is the greatest discovery you will ever make: You were created to know God and be His friend forever" (The Journey, p. 23).A key to understanding how you can be God's friend is to know you were created with more than a body, mind and soul. You were created with a spirit. Your human spirit was awakened when you were born again, enabling you to communicate directly with God and have fellowship with Him. The Apostle Paul says we "received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father'" (Romans 8:15). "Abba" literally means "Daddy."The heart of every person deeply longs for true friendship. Think about your best friends and how important those relationships are. Yet human friendships can and do fail. This became very real to me recently when the twenty-one year old son of a close friend tragically took his own life. The reason? The young man's closest friend, a classmate he had known for several years, stated firmly he no longer wished to continue the friendship. The loss was so devastating to my friend's son that life lost its meaning to him, and he completely gave up.Even though friends on this earth may come and go, in God you have a friend Who will be there forever. Graham says further: "This is a staggering truth. Think of it. The infinite, all-powerful holy God of the universe wants to be your friend! He wants you to know him personally. He wants you to know He is with you. He wants to comfort you when you are upset or anxious. He wants to guide you when you face difficult decisions, and He even wants to correct you when you are about to do something foolish or wrong" (p. 31).Take a moment now to let this profound reality sink in. You were created to be God's friend. This reflects the enormous heart of your wonderful Lord! What a privilege to be one of His children, to be able to come to Him any time, day or night, to be completely open with Him, to share your most intimate thoughts and fears.
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