The Opposition Smer party appeals to Premier Mikulas Dzurinda to consider the current chaos in the healthcare sector as of equal importance to finishing his term in office, Smer chairman Robert Fico said at a news conference on Wednesday in Bratislava. Smer expects objective solutions to be forthcoming. It also hopes that Dzurinda will not try to cover the problems and look for culprit(s) among the Opposition, Fico said, alluding to the accusation earlier this month that opposition parties had fomented the crisis involving physicians refusing to sign contracts with health insurers. "The current problems in health care show that patients and health care workers have become hostages of Dzurinda's Cabinet, thanks to the failure of health care reforms, and Dzurinda's inability to admThis year's international "Autosalon" motor show has made progress towards improving its quality because the automobile industry has became a real phenomenon in Slovakia, Economy Minister Jirko Malcharek said at the show's launch at the Incheba centre in Bratislava on Tuesday. According to Malcharek the higher quality of both the cars on show and the stands as a whole mean that the exhibitors are beginning to appreciate their clients better. In addition, these shows have become more important for Slovakia, noted Malcharek. According to the economy minister, Slovaks have begun to view the car industry as something of which they can be proud. "As the Dutch can be proud of their cheese, and the Belgians their beer, Slovaks can take pride in their car production," he said.it radical mistakes," added Fico.
In addition, Fico aled to healthcare workers not to go on strike. "Smer is preparing to solve these problems and will make system changes in the healthcare sector if the party is a part of the next Government after the June 17 general election," he declared. According to Smer shadow health care minister Pavol Paska, the healthcare sector needs more money and Smer wants to accommodate the sector. Therefore, it plans to approve a new bill on insurance companies, optimise the chain of healthcare facilities, and, meanwhile, it plans to forego a revenue source for providers by cancelling the healthcare user fees.
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